Update on Senate Bill 1226
This bill is dead. Please click on the image below to view and download this language.

Strike Everything Bill
Earlier this session, there was a Striker with similar language to SB 1226 assigned to Senate Finance. It was ultimately removed from the agenda and never heard. Next week is the last week for committees to hear bills. We will know by the close of business tomorrow whether a Striker will be heard in committee.

What does "strike everything" mean and where can I find a list of all the strike everything amendments to bills?
Arizona Legislative Session 2019 Fifty-Fourth Legislature First Regular Session
A "strike everything after the enacting clause" amendment (also referred to as a "strike everything" amendment or simply a "striker") proposes to delete the entire text of the existing bill and substitute new language, essentially making it a completely different bill, possibly on an entirely different subject. These amendments are sometimes used to allow legislators to circumvent the deadlines on the introduction of new legislation, deal with an issue that arises after the deadline or revives a bill that has previously been defeated. To review all "strike everything" bills for this session click on or select this link: